Below is the Southwest Sentinel Summit 2024 agenda as of Thursday, May 30. Please . Check the updates tab regularly for more information. Times listed below are in PDT.

Please note, the agenda is subject to change. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

8:00 AM 

Doors Open

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Networking Breakfast

  • Meet fellow Sentinels and network with like-minded patriots from your state and across the country over a light breakfast. Be sure to bring business cards!

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Morning Session

Going on Offense: A Battleplan for Conservative Victories

  • Featuring Dr. Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action

A Blueprint for Border Security: What Congress and the States Can Do 

  • Biden’s border crisis can be felt all across America. Experts who served in the Trump administration will break down what states can do to fight back—and what Congress must do to help stop illegal immigration and keep Americans safe. 

 Straight Talks on Big Issues

  • Combating the Deep State: How The Heritage Foundation is combating Biden’s overreach through litigation to hold the government accountable.
  • The Truth About the Economy: Americans see inflation every time we buy groceries, but why are prices so high—and how does it trace back to the policies of the current administration? This session will give you the facts and tools to talk about the current crises.


1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Lunch Keynote - 

Congressman Eli Crane

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Afternoon Session

Road to Majority: Where Conservatives Must Win in 2024 

  • Hear from campaign strategists on the battleground races and how conservatives can succeed in must-win campaigns to retake the White House, Congress, and state houses.

How You Can Protect Your State’s Elections

  • Learn how you can be the deciding factor in preventing voter fraud to ensure elections are honest and fair in 2024.

How To Influence Capitol Hill and Your State Capital 

  • Former congressional and state legislative staffers will explain how to stand out from the crowd, communicate in a way that gets elected officials' attention, and successfully get conservative ideas enacted into law. 

4:00 PM

Event Concludes